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Meet Sue Abdilla

Hi, I’m Sue,


I’m a trained Embodiment Coach and Certified and registered Fembodiment™️ Method Facilitator

My passion and my joy is to lead women home to themselves…..


A place in your body that feels like home as a woman. 

A place that feels like your truth as a woman. 

A place that is powerful AF when you know how to activate it.


I guide women to these places. 

To love, compassion and acceptance of self and others. 

To being deeply rooted in heart and eros connection. 

To embody the wildest of love.

To cultivate and embody sensuality & sexuality.


To activate overflowing rivers of life force energy.



I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and three young adult children, and am truly grateful to be able to teach and guide you to cultivate an embodied way of living. 

Sue Abdilla Wild Love Embodied.jpg

I remember during my first coaching training retreat breaking down and crying, and not just crying - you know that crying where you feel your heart breaking into a thousand pieces? Where you cry with your whole body? That crying. Tears of longing, of wanting this thing so badly, and also tears of sheer terror and self-doubt. 


I was sitting on the floor and thinking ‘what the hell have I got myself into - I can’t do this’. That’s when I let myself break down and allowed myself to really feel the pain of it all. The pain of the longing, the pain of the fear and uncertainty.


Then I took what I’d learned, and chose something different. 

One foot in the pain, and one foot in pure choice. 


That is what I teach in this work.


To make conscious choices about what you want to change or create in your life. Then embody that deeply in your physical being. Bring it so alive in your body, that it bursts forth with powerful and inspired actions that come from soul, from heart, from eros, from your innate body wisdom and life force.  


Your life designed by your desires

Red roses

I no longer view challenging emotions as ‘negative’. 

Emotions are emotions and they are there for a reason. 

But they are not me, they do not define me, they just are what they are. 

I will no longer get stuck in stories around them of why they are as they are, how uncomfortable they are, who may have caused them. Instead, I will lovingly honour what’s there and hear the gifts and messages they have for me.


And from this place, I get to choose who I want to be, how I want to feel. 

I choose. 


Not from stuck emotions tainting my vision, but from clean, pure heart  choice. 

I choose.


I have chosen to deeply embody my desires for what I want in life. The skills I have learnt allow me to teach others, with the deepest safety, holding and guidance, to make powerful changes in their own lives.

My Philosophy

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